Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Navy League Cadet Corps Orientation, July 5-11, 2015

 Ma-lak and Rea spent the week in Alameda, CA for Sea Camp last week!  They spent the week on the USS Hornet, a WW-II Navy carrier ship which has been docked at the old Navy base in Alameda for several years.  We had NO contact with them while they were gone, except for pictures that the officers posted on the website page a few times that week.  (It was kind of a long week for us!) But we knew they were in good hands, and they had a great time.  Below is a picture of a B-52 bomber plane taking off from the Hornet during WW-2. 
 I think it was called the Doolittle Raid, when they attacked Japan in retaliation for the Pearl Harbor bombing.  They had to strip down the B-52 bombers to make them light enough to take off from the carrier - it had never been done before.  Remember that scene in the movie with Ben Affleck?! 
 Anyway, we barely got them there in time on Sunday - tons of traffic on 101 - but they made it just in time for chow and to get checked in.  After we dropped them off, Daryle and I took Ya'shar and Ni'ke out to eat, and Ya'shar looked around the table, all happy and chipper, and said, "Well, looks like it's just us!"  It was pretty funny - I think they enjoyed having us all to themselves for a week. :)

 So these pictures are from Graduation day on Saturday.  They had a little awards presentation ceremony and the parents and families were invited to come.  Ma-lak got the highest test scores out of anyone there (almost 80 Cadets!) and Rea received the highest overall award/citation of the Honor Cadet.  Be sure to watch the video below of Rea getting her award!  (I think I have finally gotten my videos to post correctly....)

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