Saturday, June 28, 2008

Ma-lak Learns Something New!

The Shoe-Tie Jingle

Today's the day to try new things,
So how about we tie those strings?

Give it a shot, there's nothing to lose!
Unless of course, you lose your shoes...

Cuz if they aren't tied, they won't stay on!
You might look down and see that they're gone!

So make a bow, and then another,
And tuck the one into the other.

Pull real tight, and whaddaya know?
You tied your shoes! Way to go!

Your Mommy's so proud! Your shoes are tied!
Now what ELSE would you like to try?!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Happy Birthday, Ya'shar! June 26

Ya'shar-Sha'phat T'sedeq Mish-pat Smith (Righteous Judge, Upright Ruler) is two years old! This "little" big guy holds a special place in Mommy's heart, just like all my other babies, but in his own unique way, and here's one of the reasons why:

God showed me alot with this pregnancy as he does with each one, mostly that He always knows best, His timing is perfect, and that I need to stop having my own agenda!

Ya'shar was SUPPOSED to be 2 1/2 weeks early, just like all of our other children, because that's what fit perfectly with the plan I had all laid out for my summer. My cousin, Julie, was getting married the end of June, and oh, how I couldn't wait to go to that wedding! I had already bought plane tickets for my mom and I to fly down to the wedding from here with the baby who of COURSE would already be here, and I was excited beyond words!

Well, the wedding day got closer and closer, and still, NO BABY! My disappointment was growing by the second, and I couldn't believe God would just disregard all of my carefully laid plans!

My mom flew in on a Saturday, and it was pretty clear that I wouldn't be going to the wedding with her. My prayers started to change, but I still had a very specific request. My heart soared at the possibility that my mom might be able to be with us for the next miracle to arrive, and THIS prayer, God answered! Ya'shar was born early the following Monday, and we even had a few days at home together before Mom had to leave. What an amazing gift, Lord!

The wedding was beautiful - I saw the pictures - and I was at home with my new baby, exactly where God wanted me to be, and exactly where I was content to be!

Thank you, Lord, for giving me something even greater than I asked for!

So, here he is! He came out at 9 pounds, and apparently hasn't stopped growing since - he measured in this morning at the doctor's office at 33 pounds and 3 feet!

Happy Birthday, Sweet Boy! We love you!

The Lion Cake!!

Rea picked out this cake for Ya'shar at the grocery store, and I must say she did an excellent job! She knows her brother well! The cake is actually 30 cupcakes all smooshed together and frosted with yumminess - too cute and so matching our little lion theme!

Family Fun!

Ya'shar likes to pretend to be a lion, and his favorite thing to do is practice his "rooooaaarrrr"!!!! ("Look Mommy, I a yi-yun! Grrrrrr!!!!") He really is quite the cute little cub, too... So the lion scooter seemed to be the perfect gift! Look out, here he comes!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sink or Swim, I'm Divin' In!!

There are a number of things I'm learning from my children this summer, but the one lesson I keep learning from them over and over (at least at the pool) is this: Sometimes the thing you fear the most is often the source of your greatest pleasure!

Last summer we started swimming lessons with Ma-lak and Rea at the local pool, just to get them comfortable with the water. I think they got their hair wet once. (sigh)

But truly, I understand! Water is really a scarey sort of thing, especially pools. There's an overwhelming amount of it, it's deep, it covers everything you can't see and maybe would like to, it's a little cold at times, and if your head's underneath it, it could mean trouble! (If God has ever asked you to leap into something resembling this - like I ask my children to do at the pool, then this might sound familiar!)

So imagine my great joy THIS summer at seeing my children tirelessly throwing themselves off the side of the pool, ducking under for lengths of time I'm still not quite comfortable with (3 hours, according to Rea) and yes, tackling that great beast from last summer, The Water Slide!

It's while watching these adventurous sides of my children develop and flourish that I find myself asking, "When's the last time I threw myself into something with such utter joy, trust, and abandon?" I usually can't remember...

If I really gave all of me to something, to ANYTHING, with that much passion, I know it would change everything else I touch. But having passion for that One thing only illuminates the possibilities in every other opportunity to "live life to the fullest." My prayers would be more effectual and fervent, my relationships would be more meaningful and productive, my time would always be invested with great return instead of just being well-"spent", and every fear known before would have to flee in the face of merely having sought Him out!

Steven Curtis Chapman has this great song called "Dive":

"I'm divin' in, I'm goin' deep,
In over my head I wanna be!

Caught in the rush, lost in the flow,
In over my head I wanna go!

The river's deep, the river's wide,
The river's water is alive!

So, sink or swim,
I'm divin' in!!"

Thanks, Lord, for the lessons learned! And for being that cool, refreshing pool that I can't wait to dive into!!

"Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, (like learn a new skill, play with your children, teach a Bible Study, stand in the gap for your pastor...) do all to the glory of God."

I Corinthians 10: 31 (KJV)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Who's the Man?

I laughed so hard when I saw this t-shirt, and had to get it for Ma-lak! This was of course a couple years ago, and as you can see, Ya'shar has now inherited it.

What delighted me so much about the shirt was that it reflected a common saying in our household, "Daddy, you're the man!!" Not sure how they all came to say it so much (most likely from hearing Daddy say it to them! "Ma-lak, you're the man! Ya'shar, you're the man!") But they are definitely words uttered often, and in great affection.

Watching my children so thoroughly enjoy the love of their father always invokes thoughts of such similar spiritual parallels to the relationship I have with my Heavenly Daddy. There is no love like a father's love, like our Father's love!!

It's a love that is so joyous, so inviting, always forgiving, and sweetly unconditional. It's that "Daddy's-home-run-into-his-arms-and-hug-him-hard" kind of love that draws me to just want to sit and be with Him and share with Him my day, my worries, my thoughts, my triumphs, my sadnesses, and my delights.

I recently read a book called "The Shack" that I highly recommend to anyone who doesn't mind a great work of fiction written with great spiritual wisdom. (Thanks, Janelle!) It's all about the relationship of our heavenly Father with us, he being our Papa, and us loving Him that way. It's about a man's journey to understanding his Father's heart, and simply knowing that His love is pure, deep, and always unconditional.

Yes, my Daddy is INDEED the man!! Thank you, Papa God for loving me in such an amazing way - completely! As is the only way you know how to love...

"I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty." II Corinthians 6: 18

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Birthday, Ma-lak! June 14, 2008

Ma-lak El'Radah-Kratos Smith ("Messenger, King of God's Dominion") turned 5 years old yesterday! It was a very full day, the boys went to San Jose with Daddy and didn't get home till 9:30, but he wasn't about to miss his birthday party! So, we had some cake and fun before bedtime!

Happy Birthday, Son! We love you!

"Rocket Man"

Ma-lak is REALLY really interested in planes and jets and rockets right now. So, when I asked him what he wanted on his cake, he of course said, "rockets"! It was an adventurous search, but we found some planes and a rocket for his cake - he was pretty happy!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

First Dance Recital!!

Well, here they are! The dancing sisters! Yes, they look adorable, but gee, if you only knew what it took to get them that way! Let's just say, there aren't enough bobby pins, hairspray, goop, and patience in the world to get their hair into a "smooth low bun with no wispies" as the dance teacher requested!! Afros just don't really GO that way....

And I sorta got into trouble for taking flash pictures during the performance... (Oops!)

Lots of fun, though!

The Show!

The girls did really well at their first show this afternoon! No tears or stage fright (at least not from Ni'ke) until the very end, and then Rea had a moderate to large melt-down! She told me later, "I'm afraid of the dance recital. I'm only 4 you know." (sigh)

They have another show tonight at 7:00 pm, and I can officially say that Mommy AND girls are "danced OUT!" After a photo shoot Thursday (which Rea cried through and we couldn't get her picture) and a dress rehearsal yesterday, and TWO shows today, I'll be glad to take some time off from this busy extra-curricular pastime!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Happy Birthday, Rea Sunshine! June 7, 2008

The Pink Princess Party!

So, in her quest for "all things pink" Rea's party seemed to follow suit! She loved her pink cake and pink balloons, and pink presents! Our little princess had a blast!

Biker Chick and Biker Dude!

For their birthdays, Daddy got Ma-lak and Rea their first bikes! This was a very fun trip to Toys R Us, let me tell ya! Rea got a pink Barbie bicycle (complete with tassles and girliness) and Ma-lak got Speed Racer. (His birthday isn't till this Saturday, but he got part of his fun a little early!) Rea calls hers a "bike-a-sol" instead of a "bicycle"... :)

They're doing great with training wheels, so we'll be doing a 2-wheel trial pretty soon!

It's looking like a very adventurous summer!

John Muir Orthopedic Conference 2008!!

Several ladies that I work with attended a conference in Concord, CA (East Bay) at the Hilton, and got a little "ortho refreshing and update"! We had a great time, and really learned alot of new things about new technologies and procedures that are being used in ortho surgeries.

There were tons of vendors there advertising their products and equipment (and handing out lots of neat free stuff to us greedy nurses - we like cool pens! This is a picture of the hardware used in a Total Hip Replacement!! Yikes!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Girls' Night Out!

After a day of "conferencing", we were ready to stretch our legs a bit and explore! Terry, Emily, Giuliana and I went to Walnut Creek, and checked out some shops and boutiques, and then had a wonderful dinner at an authentic French restaurant called "Le Bistro". We even had Cherries Jubilee for dessert!

Giuliana and I outside our hotel - we weren't ready for our mini-vacation to end!