Thursday, November 8, 2012

Ni'ke Versus the Flagpole!!

 This past Monday, Ni'ke had a "smashing" encounter with the flagpole in the school yard at recess time!  Thankfully she didn't hurt herself worse than she did, but a bloody lip and two broken front teeth were plenty!  I took her to the dentist the next day and they bonded the back to cover the sensitive areas, she could hardly eat due to the pain from the back of her teeth being exposed!  That got her through the next couple days, and then today I took her back to Dr. Berger for some more repair.  He has been our kids' dentist for at least the past 5-6 years, and he is fabulous!  He was able to sand and shape the areas that were broken off at the bottom, and they actually look pretty normal.  Her two front teeth were very long, and they now are just a bit shorter!  She'll need braces eventually anyway, so we're just waiting for them all to grow in.

I love the screen saver on Dr. Berger's computer - it's an underwater scene with fish and a beautiful reef - he shares a love of scuba diving with my husband, which is usually our favorite topic to discuss when we're all there!

Ni'ke displaying her prize that she got to pick on Tuesday for being such a fantastic patient!

Here's a "before" picture (it's after she ran into the flag pole, but BEFORE he fixed it!)

And today, AFTER!!!  

Ni'ke doing what she loves to do - reading! - while we wait for Dr. Berger!

Practicing for Thanksgiving!

It's the season for yummy cooking!  It finally started feeling cool outside this week after an entire week in the mid-80's last week (no, not complaining at ALL!)  I just enjoy cooking and baking and find it quite therapeutic.  Not that I need therapy....  But maybe I would if I didn't bake??  Hmm, points to ponder.  Anyway, I made TWO pumpkin pies with the help of my little man, Ya'shar!  He's quite savvy in the kitchen.  It's raining off and on outside, and I always am in the mood for soup when it's rainy out, so I'm making split pea and ham soup with corn bread - doesn't that sound like a cozy, comforting meal?!

Happy Birthday, Giuliana!

This past Monday some of us girls from work got together at BJ's to celebrate Giuliana's birthday!! She's on a countdown, waiting for that sweet little baby to arrive - only a month and a half to go!  Was good to see each other since most of us have been off for a week or more. We thoroughly enjoyed our "Pizookis" (pizza/cookies!) for dessert!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Just a Friendly Reminder to "Fall Back"!!

Don't forget to turn your clocks back this weekend!!!  Daylight Savings Time is Sunday at 2:00 am!!!!

Study Break!!!!! (You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Antsy...)

Yes, I'm taking a moment to BLOG when I should be finishing my concept analysis paper on "coercion".    That's ok, though, because I'm antsy.  And you wouldn't like me when I'm antsy. (Cue the biggest greenest picture I can find of the Incredible Hulk...  "You're making me angry!  You wouldn't like me when I'm angry..."  tee hee hee!)  ANYWAY....

This is what my kitchen table looks like at 3:00 in the morning when I'm writing a paper....  It could be worse I suppose.  (Cue the big angry Hulk SMASHING the computer.)  Believe me, it crossed my mind. (sigh) Hopefully I'll be done before the sun comes up.  I sleep better when I go to sleep in the dark.  And no, I'm not actually cramming for a paper due in a matter of hours as was once my custom, back in the 90's.  (Gee, how old did I sound there?!?!)  I have this paper AND a power point presentation due exactly one day apart in 2 1/2 weeks.  I have recently joined the "I Hate Power Point" Fan Club. Charter member, right here.  I'm trying to plan ahead, you see. I'm off work (thanks to a nursing strike at my job) so I have 8 total days off that were unexpected, and I'm trying to use them wisely!!!  If it sounds like I'm complaining, let me reassure you that - yes, I am a little bit.  :-) I can think of a gazillion things I'd rather do with 8 days off, but alas.  Here I am.  I was prepared, I have no regrets, I actually LOVE my classes and am really happy and excited that I did this going back to school thing.  (I'm just not a very patient person and would love to fast forward to 2014).

Here's something that makes me happy!  My friend Vince!!  He's the guy who doesn't care what other people think, and if it means putting on a pirate suit on Halloween and coming to work to make his patients smile, then that's what he'll do!  I totally dig the parrot.....  Congrats on 2nd place! (You're first in my book, Matie!!)

 Daryle and Ma-lak watching Game 4 of the World Series. AGAIN.  And rewinding to all the good parts!   It was a very shiny moment, listening to my husband explain the ins and outs of baseball rules to our son....

Here's another thing that makes me happy!  Ni'ke!!!!  The fashionista strikes again....  It's been kinda cold and dreary and rainy this week, so Daryle told her, "Let's just stick with jeans and sweatshirts and boots for a few days, OK Sweetie?"   Well yesterday the sun came out, and Ni'ke wasted no time appealing to her parents.  And I quote:  "So I was thinking...  It's been awhile since I went all high-fashion and I wondered if it was ok to get back to my roots?"  Love it!  She laid out her outfit, complete with underwear and hand bag and all, and I gave her my stamp of motherly approval.  Knock 'em dead, kiddo!

Back to work!!!!