Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Jake Mihalca Memorial 5K Fun Run/Walk

Ever since I started running last year, the girls have been begging me to let them run in a race too. I explained that "It's really far a lot of the time and you might get really tired. You're not quite ready yet. Soon..."

But when I heard about this family fun run, I thought what better opportunity for them to participate in something fun that also promotes awareness and raises money for LLS (Leukemia & Lymphoma Society). Jake was a little boy who passed away 4 years ago from leukemia, and this is the second year his family has held a fund-raiser in his honor. They titled it the Stinky Feet 5K because when he was in the hospital he laughed about how stinky his feet were! (If you click on the title it will link you to a page so you can read his story!!)

The "run" went well, although it was excruciatingly slow!! The girls got pretty tired from just walking (which is mostly what we did of course) but they had a lot of fun and I loved being out with them. There was a full-fledged carnival of cool stuff for kids to do, and I can't wait to go back next year with the boys!

We decided that we would "prayer walk" in honor (or memory) of some of our family and friends who are fighting or have fought cancer. We stand with you and pray for your healing and recovery! He is faithful!!!

Grandma Suzy Williams
Aunt Doris Hathaway
Danny and Carlene Christy
Grandma Cleo Hathaway
Grandpa Bernard Thompson
Chuck and Matt Rychener, Bekah Moser
Anita "Midge" Toavs
Mildred Mallinckrodt

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Happy Birthday, Rea!!

I can't believe you're SEVEN!!!! It's been a perfect 7 years with this magnificently charming little girl... So much joy she brings us!

We decided at the last minute to go to Chili's for lunch on the afternoon of Rea's birthday. We'd all been out together, "running errands", and we were starving! (And by errands I mean that I discovered just in the nick of time before mixing up Rea's cupcakes that I had NO cupcake holders! So off we went for a drive!)

We had the best waitress who figured out that we had a birthday girl with us, and when they brought us our desserts at the end of the meal, here she came with 5 of her waitress friends to sing a very loud and boisterous "Happy Birthday" clapping song to a very startled and delighted Rea! I wish I had a picture of that moment - the look on her face was priceless!!! All of our little family birthday parties have really only consisted of the 6 of us (or 7 when David is home!) and for her to feel like there was a public celebration in her honor must've been very special! She didn't stop smiling the whole way home! (The first picture above is one Daryle snapped right after they got done singing!!)

Birthday Party!!

After a fun afternoon out, we came home and I made cupcakes while everyone was gone at swim lessons. Rea had told me for WEEKS that for her birthday she wanted white cupcakes with white frosting and pink writing. She didn't say what exactly she wanted written on them, so this is what I came up with. (She seemed pretty ok with the results!) And since I had cake batter left over, she got a second cake! Hey why not?? You only turn 7 once!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Extreme Couponing - Trial Run

Yes. I'll admit it. I'm a little bit hooked on that new TLC show. Have you seen it??!! It's really quite fascinating!!! Hundred$ and thou$and$ of dollar$ worth of groceries for next to nothing. WOW. Most of these ladies are working moms, trying to make ends meet by just taking the time to find what's there for the taking and make a better life for their families. Yep, I could totally relate!!

I decided that, hey, I can do this. Maybe not to such an extreme as on the show, but on a smaller scale that doesn't require 60 hours a week of scissor-work and dumpster diving for Sunday papers.

So I did a little research, and snagged a few coupons from the papers at work. It's a little tricky actually to find good manufacturer coupons that coincide with store sales! Especially around here - NO ONE does double coupons!!! Oh well.

I adventured to Safeway this morning after work and managed to get $150 worth of groceries for only $73 and change!! 53% savings - not bad for my first try!! The ladies at the checkout chuckled along with me as I explained my quest for the "massive haul" - truly I was just happy to save anything!!

Yep, I'm hooked. It's very liberating and empowering somehow! But more than that, it's the realization that even in these small ways of saving God provides an even bigger blessing. He's provided for us in a very real and tangible and practical way but also has shown us how to be disciplined, how to save and invest for our future, how to be an even better steward of all He's blessed us with, and how then to be blessing to others.

Yes, all that from COUPONING!!!

No, I don't have a "stock-pile" - yet. And no, I didn't crash the cash registers in a single check out.

But I'm eager learn. I'm excited to teach my children how to save money. I'm content to adjust my life-style a little NOW in order to have a better future LATER.

Good Stuff.

"Back to Summer Shopping & Just Being"

Last week (yes, these pictures are old!) Rea and I were out and about running some errands. Since everyone outgrew all their clothes and shoes just in time for summer we tried to find some good deals and get a little "back to summer browsing" done. We stumbled upon a quaint little park in the middle of town. After a tasty breakfast we strolled over to this park and sat and just "be'd" for awile. Rea asked me "When you were little did you have fun special days like this with your mommy?"

"Absolutely!!" I said. I told her about one of my favorite memories of "going to town" with my mom. There wasn't much to do when you lived out in the country, 12 miles away from the nearest civilization, so "going to town" was the equivalent of a mini-vacation and always ranked high on my list of things I most looked forward to.

One day we went to the thriving metropolis of Palmyra (MO) and she took me to a Ben Franklin store. There aren't many around anymore, but it was such a cool place, half candy/nic-nacs and the other half sewing/crafts. Yes, it was a young girl's dream!

This particular day she let me buy some wooden-shaped hearts and some craft paints, all in the country colors of blue, cream and mauve that were so hip and happening back in the 80's. We had so much fun painting those little wooden shapes - I'll never forget it! I think we had so much fun that mom ended up painting the paper towel holder and the bread-box in the kitchen!!

Good times.....

Rea, who was listening ever so closely to this story said, "I hope I have lots of memories of you like that when you're old and I'm all grown up." (insert barely-stifled smile here)

Me too, Rea Sunshine.