Tuesday, January 20, 2009

"Inaugural Insight"

Here's a snippet from a conversation I had with Rea earlier today. I had CNN on and was watching footage from the inauguration.

Rea: Mommy, what are all those people doing?

Me: They're all there in Washington DC because today we are getting a new president.

Rea: But why are there SO MANY????

Me: Well, there's always alot of people there when we get a new president, but today there's even more becuase it's kind of a special day - it's the first time we've ever had a president that has dark skin like Daddy.

Rea: (silent for awhile) Oooohhhh.... You mean like all the football players?

Me: (trying not to giggle) Well, like SOME of the football players, but not all of the football players have black skin.

Rea: Well how come none of the presidents and football players have red hair and white skin and freckles like you?!

Me: (full-blown chuckling now) Because redheads with freckles are saved for the really important jobs like being mommies and nurses. (OK, I'm kidding, I didn't really tell her that, she wouldn't have appreciated the humor.) What I really said was:

Me: God is really creative and He made lots of different kinds of people and we all have different jobs to do.

Rea: Nuh uh! God made us all the SAME!!!

Me: (Wow, now it's getting complicated...) Well, we were all created in His image, but we all LOOK different. And we're not all the same.

Rea: (thinking again.... Please don't ask anything too difficult! Daddy isn't home to help!) Well, I like you're red hair.

Me: Thanks, Rea.

Rea: You're welcome, Mommy!

Me: (.....That's it? No more questions? Whew....)

Pretty deep.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Random Porch Pictures

Rea was so excited about her new hair do that she wanted to do a little "photo shoot" outside. (Can't wait to see how she is in 10 years...) Ya'shar was very tolerant of all the sisterly love - another scene I can't wait to see in 10 years!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Happy New Year From the Smith Family, January 2009

Well, here we all are! A rare picture of all seven of us together! It has been a blessing to have David home for a month (that went by way too fast, by the way) and I wanted to be sure to capture some memories!

We've all experienced changes in our families - they grow, they move away, they multiply! My heart is full when I see these pictures and look back on how God has blessed us so abundantly, not just in this past year 2008, but ever since our family began just over 6 years ago. We can't begin to thank you enough for your love, your support, your prayers, your letters, emails and phone calls. Despite the miles in between, we feel the closeness of our families and friends in Christ, and we love you.

May this next year be one that is full of joy, full of new beginnings, full of surprises, and full of expectations of all that Our Father can and will do FOR you and with you. May you seek Him daily and grow ever more delighted in Him.

Our Blessings to you and yours!

Much Love,

Apostle Daryle, Sheila, David, Ma-lak, Rea, Ni'ke and Ya'shar Smith

David and Me

Hanging Out with Big Brother!

The Smith Boys