Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Memorial Day Fun!!

 My children and me!  Love this picture!!  David and I had just finished running....  I'm really loving having him home, and it is just going by way too fast!  We've been running a couple times a week, longer each time.  I'm finally getting back to where I feel like I enjoy it again and my knee is holding up well.  Looking for a 5k or 10k for us to do before he goes back to Baltimore in July....
 Just another posey in the patch!
 It was such a wonderful relaxing weekend!  Was great to sleep in and make big meals and bake and go to the park and did I mention sleep in???!!!!

 The guys get ready to throw some ball

 Walking over to the ice cream place

 Had to stop for a photo opp
 Fru-ta is the most yummy ice cream!!  Avocado ice cream... who knew??!!!  I've been hearing about an organic ice cream place in Sebastopol that we MUST check out before the summer's end.  It's called Screamin' Mimi's, and it's been voted the best ice cream in Sonoma County! 

 Heading back home..... 

Sunday, May 27, 2012


 A few mornings ago I had the most hilarious conversation with Ma-lak on the way to school.  His usual short ankle socks were all in the wash, so he was forced to revert to back to his old socks that he'd boycotted awhile back.  For some reason he decided to pull them way up to knees, and I laughed and said that he looked like a basketball player from the 70's.  He said, "Well if it was cool back then, then I must be REALLY cool now!"  I had to agree....
 Me in my new favorite summer color!!!  And see that big 'ole basket down there?!  That's the result of me winning a theme basket raffle at the kids' school!!!  YAY!!!

 Ni'ke modeling the necklace and bracelet that she got from her Ohio cousins, Lexi and Levi! And decorating the virtual birthday cake that Grandma sent her!

Morgan Hill, CA

 Rea finishing up after a stellar perfomance!!  We spent last weekend in Morgan Hill, which is about  2 1/2 hours south.  We had so much fun - great family time!!!  Love these special weekends of making lots of new memories.
 The long course....  This is the first time they've competed in one of these.  Usually the pool length is only 25 yards, but this one is 50!  They did great!  Ma-lak waits for his next race while Daddy "coaches him up".
 Ma-lak after his race
 Rea sunshine with her big big smile
 Those 2 boys.....

 This was the first time David had ever been to a swim meet with us, we loved having him there!

 LOVE hot air balloons!  This one took off in a field right next to us!

 Loved the palm trees, the place seemed to be surrounded by them
 We had some time in between heats, so David too them out to throw awhile

 I had to join in the fun...

 Ya'shar has a pretty good arm!

 Nice catch Ma-lak!
 The kids were disappointed that THIS wasn't open!

 Ni'ke doing what she does....  :)

 I roamed around downtown Morgan Hill in the afternoon between heats.  Such a cute little place!!

 My girls!!!!

 View from the balcony
 This became our new favorite place!!  I've seen the commercials a zillion times, "Red Robin, YUMM!"  But never been.  They have the. best. burgers. EVER!!!  And desserts too, of course.  See below.....  We ate here twice!
 It took ALL of us to down this thing!!