Saturday, June 29, 2013

Birthday Luau for Ya'shar!!

 So this was one of those weeks that didn't go exactly perfectly, yet ended with a perfectly lovely Saturday!  Ya'shar's birthday was this past Wednesday!  He turned SEVEN!!!!  Unbelievable....  :)  So long story short, it was a hairy 3 days at work and I didn't have time to do the party for him that he deserved, so we postponed the big celebration till today.  Yes, the day that it was 102 degrees...  That one.  My day started out at the mall, because hey, it's only one day a year that Old Navy has their flip-flops on sale for $1.  Seemed like such a great idea at the time.  A solid 30-40 minutes in line, and I left with 8 pair.  There are a lot of little feet that go flip flopping around here!
 I promised the kids we'd hit the pool at some point this weekend, and we managed to get there early before they stopped letting people in due to reaching maximum capacity!
 Rea's friend, Aniyah, hung out with us for the afternoon!

 These three were musketeers all day!
 Snow cones?!?!  YES!!!
 In keeping with the tropical (heat) theme, we had ourselves a little luau!  Isn't Ya'shar the most handsome little island man?

 OK, so it's not your conventional birthday cake.  I think Ya'shar loved the surfing pirates who staved off sea monsters while talking to dolphins.  (Emery boards make great surf boards, by the way.)

 The girls loved the grass skirts -the boys thought it was too hot to even think about leis.

 Dinner: rice and teriyaki meatballs with veggies and fresh pineapple!

 Ma-lak really enjoyed the cake.
 Mommy got a flower, too!
 And a kiss from her sweet 10 year old who still likes to give them!
Go, Golden State Warriors!
 Our umbrella lit up - one of these days we'll stay outside while it's still dark and enjoy it even more.
 Ya'shar, "kindle-ing" with daddy.  :-)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Jam-Packed Saturday!

 Daryle took the kids to try out at open auditions Monday last week for a play with the Missoula Children's Theater.  Out of 198 kids who auditioned, 56 got parts, including Ni'ke!!  She was a playful parrot in "Blackbeard the Pirate" - so fun to watch her!  Rea and I dropped her off early yesterday morning for final dress rehearsal at the Wells Fargo Center and then hit the farmer's market just outside.
 I LOVE farmer's markets!.... And this one was pretty spectacular - lots of awesome fresh produce and herbs and food and GaGa drip coffee.  And did I mention the cupcakes?  And honey sticks....  It was SO hot already by 10:00 am, we had to cool off in the shade of our truck for a moment or two.

 Rea, enjoying an ice cold strawberry lemonade

 At the box office, ready to go watch Ni'ke break a leg!

 The entire cast, after the show!

 Ni'ke, the cutest little parrot, EVER!  Shake your tail feathers!!!!


 The sailors!
 The beloved crabs!

 The other kids thought it was so cool to watch their sister up on stage.  Only Rea exhibited a few signs of jealousy.....  :)  But they passed quickly!

 After show hugs!

 Yogurt Time!!  Perfect for a 90 degree afternoon....

 We found a park and a baseball game to pass the time between the two afternoon shows.

 Ma-lak couldn't tear his eyes away from the game.  Perhaps we will be switching from swimming to something a little more animated for this bundle of energy?!