Thursday, February 26, 2009

Here's Your Sign

The kids have been bitten by the alphabet bug, much in thanks to Ma-lak for coming home from school and teaching them everything he knows! Ya'shar recites every letter on every sign that we pass, and Ni'ke will spend hours copying letters/numbers from her little coloring books. Rea especially has been extremely excited about going to kindergarten this fall, and thinks it's taking waaay too long! So to practice getting ready for kindergarten, she has been "writing letters" to hone her skills...

Usually while I'm making dinner in the evening the kids sit at the kitchen table and "do their homework" - Ma-lak actually does have homework twice a week, but the others work on little projects and exercises that I give them. Rea kept getting up and leaving the table, and I later found out why. She had posted signs on almost every door in the house, instructing people on where to put their shoes, where the bathroom was, where they can sleep for the night... So thoughtful of her, right?! While her "letters" were full of LETTERS, they didn't make much sense as far as words go! But a good starting point for reading and writing, for sure! Keep it up, Rea Sunshine!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

This Recipe Takes the Cake!

OK, Mandy, here's my "masterpiece"! And yes, I had a huge slice for breakfast, I'm not ashamed to admit it - it's that good! Thanks for the recipe! I'll try it with strawberry filling next time!

Class is in Session!

I came around the corner after wondering why the children were playing so QUIETLY for a change. This is what I observed! Rea was saying, "And Jesus traveled all over Africa teaching the people." :)

Monday, February 16, 2009

In the "Wink" of an Eye

The children have learned (sort of) how to wink, so they've been having fun winking at perfect strangers and making all kinds of funny googly eyes to everyone. I asked them to give me their BEST wink face, and these are the hilarious results...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

"Breakfast, Served!"

The children have become quite the "mommy's helpers" lately! They are very excited for any little task we give them to do, and of course, we're more than willing to feed their excitement and assign them all little chores to do everyday. (Child labor? No. Redirection of excess energy? YES!)

Ma-lak helps daddy take the trash out and makes lots of noise "fluffing" the new garbage bags to reline the trash cans. Rea and Ni'ke are in charge of sweeping up crumbs after meals (along with changing the toilet paper rolls, even before they need it) and Ya'shar is really good at wiping off the kitchen table with a super soppy, drippy sponge. We all work really well as a team. (smile)

So this morning, Rea begged if she could help make breakfast for everyone, and in efforts to encourage her autonomous spirit, I said, "Go for it!" The result was this very healthy toaster waffle loaded with butter and cinnamon sugar. (see picture above) And no, I didn't let her eat it. A good first try, though, and she'll only improve, right?! Bon appetit!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Welcome, Grandpa and Grandma! (and Uncle Justin)

For a whole marvelous week, we got to have my parents and brother all to ourselves! It was so fun to share time with them and make special memories. We picked them up at the airport around noon on Monday last week and went for lunch at the Elephant Bar close by. We sat by the window and watched the planes land at SFO across the Bay. The kids had fun pretending to be elephants, and Ya´shar kept looking around, thinking he would see the real thing! After leaving all the ice and snow in Ohio, they were happy to soak up the sun out here, we were blessed with weather in the 60s and 70s all week long! What a special week!

Ocean Beach, San Francisco

After lunch, we ventured over to the beach, thankful for the rare lack of fog! You´d never know it was the middle of the day on a work day, the place was packed! I´m so proud of myself for not getting us lost... thanks to GPS.

Fun Family Time

After adventuring all over the north Bay during the day, most of our evenings were spent just relaxing at home after dinner. There are never enough piggy back rides, wrestling matches, games, bedtime stories, or moments on Grandpa's lap for these guys!

Bodega Bay, Volume 37

Of course we had to take them to our favorite beach spot, Doran Beach! We spent a couple hours here, it was so beautiful! We drove home, and a few hours later, I realized my cell phone was missing! We looked EVERYWHERE - twice, and no phone. I decided it must've fallen out of my jacket pocket at the beach somewhere, but had no idea where. We kept calling it, hoping someone would hear it and pick it up. Nobody answered, so the next morning, Dad and Justin and I road tripped over at 9:00AM(after a coffee pit stop) and after praying for the Lord to please havy mercy on me, we found the phone, lying in the sand on the beach within 30 seconds of getting there! Still working! Thank you, Lord!

Beachside School Lesson

Uncle Justin helped the kids write their names in the sand, they definitely made some special memories this trip!

More Beach Shots

Gotta Love Beni Hana!

Justin and I had a night out on the town (Japan town, to be exact) on Friday night before stopping at the airport to get Daryle. One of my favorite restaurants is Beni Hana, a Japanese steakhouse where the chefs cook your food in front of you as you watch, and do crazy stuff like juggle their cooking utensils and flip shrimp into their hats. Fun!! And of course, green tea ice cream for dessert!

Arts and Crafts Time

The guys spent most of the ferry ride up on the top deck of course, but it got a little chilly for the kids, so we sat at tables in the snack section and colored and played with sewing cards that Mom's friend Nancy sent out for them. Thanks, Nancy!