Friday, August 21, 2009

One Week Down, 40 More To Go!

Wow, don't they grow up just waaaaay too fast!? It seems like only yesterday they looked like this, and now they're in school!

Well, we made it through the first week! I think this one should just be a practice run, we had alot of "kinks" to work out, but it went really well! I even worked a few days and still managed to get home on time to pack a snack, do Rea's hair and even WALK them to school, which is actually super fun! It has sort of become our special time together in the morning, and Ma-lak and Rea like to play the rhyming game, where you call out a word, and everyone has to shout out a word that rhymes with it! (Did you know that fouth rhymes with mouth?? Well according to Rea, it does... If only "fouth" were a word!)

Looking forward to many more fun and successful weeks to come!

Monday, August 17, 2009

School Days, School DAZE!!!!

I'm anxiously waiting for these two little people to come home this afternoon and tell me all about their first day of school! They were too excited to sleep last night and stayed up whispering, thinking we couldn't hear! (I think they finally passed out around 10:30!!) They still LEAPED out of bed this morning to get ready, but Rea was so excited she couldn't finish her breakfast. "I don't want to eat TOO much, but I'll eat a big lunch at my new school - I promise!!" (sigh)

We walked to school because it's so crowded the first couple days there'd be nowhere to park or drop them off. It was a bit of a zoo, that's for sure! Ma-lak mentioned on the way there that he "might be a little bit nervous" but then changed his mind and said, "No, I'm fine, I was just kidding." Hmmm.... Nice cover, big guy.

No tears from Rea, she was happy to run off to the playground till the bell rang, and hopefully I'll get a good report today when I pick her up. I'm praying there were no opportunities taken to have a moderate to large meltdown.

And here at the house, it's twice as quiet and half as noisy, but the other two are trying really hard to compensate for that now that they have the "run" of the place most of the day! :)

It's going to be a great year!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Monster Blog Update!!

What a fun summer this has been! Can't believe it's drawing to a close, but that's what "Back to School" means, right?! I've gotten behind on my blogging, and I'm hoping everything imports into Facebook, it's been hard to keep them both up!

Here are some of the things going on with the Smith Family in the next couple weeks:

***David heads back to Florida on Wednesday.... :( BooHoo! He has been such a huge blessing to us this summer and we're so proud of him! We will miss him so much... Not sure the kids realize he'll be leaving or for how long, but we'll deal with that when it comes! He will be going to work as a counselor at a Camp for disabled children near Tallahassee for a week before starting back up for his final semester at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach. He'll graduate this December ( a semester early!) and then enter law school next fall. Please keep him in your prayers as he studies and enters many new phases in his life in a short amount of time! Oh, and he turns 21 next month! WOW!

***Ma-lak,6, will be in First grade starting Monday, and Rea, 5, will enter Kindergarten! I wish I could explain in words the excitement in our house whenever school is discussed! Rea starts talking about it the moment she wakes up, and heads to the calendar to count the days. She spends most of her waking moments "practicing school" and working on her writing and drawing skills, and is so delighted to be going with her big brother. Ma-lak has done great with his reading this summer, and can't wait to meet his new teacher! They have both been taking Tai Kwan Do this summer as well, and got their white belts a few weeks ago. Their first competition is next month near Sacramento, and we're all looking forward to going and watching them show their "skills"!

***If there was a way to get Ni'ke into Kindergarten early, I would've done it in a heartbeat! She's such a bright and smart and funny little girl with such passion in everything she does! She's a SPONGE when she's around Ma-lak and Rea and picks up on most everything they're learning or doing at the time! And wow, is she a great swimmer! Totally fearless in the water, and actually swimming under water several feet! We call her our little "hillbilly" because she tends to have this hilarious southern drawl that comes out when she's really involved in a story she's telling. Wonder where she got that from?.... :)

***Ya'shar is the family entertainment. Period. He has everyone of his little facial expressions and mannerisms down pat, and he has mastered the art of pestering his sisters! He's such a joy and delight, and several times throughout the day I find myself grabbing him up in hugs and saying, "Ya'shar you are so YUMMY!!!" because that's the only word I can think of! He and I will be flying to Ohio the end of October to meet his new little cousin, due to enter the world via C-section on Sept 21. We pray all goes well for Brent and Jess and Ava as they prepare for their new little family member! (I'm thinking BOY, for sure!!! We'll see!!!) Can't wait to reconnect with our family and friends there, and though it will be quick trip, I hope I get to see many of you!

***Between fun summer family adventures, I'm managing to still work at Memorial! The economy has taken it's toll here, just like everywhere else, and tomorrow our Nurse's Union is taking a vote on a proposal made by the hospital administration to the nursing staff, asking for our approval in allowing them to freeze our wages and NOT receive the next two pay raises that were written into our most recent contract. Obviously this has been a huge point of contention between nursing staff and management/administration, since many of our coworkers were laid of this past year and our jobs have become 10 times harder. My sincere hope and prayer is that a fair resolution will come soon, and that working conditions AND morale will improve! Until then, I remain grateful to be employed and blessed that God has provided for us so thoroughly.

***Daryle continues to work closely with a church in Vancouver, BC Canada as well as local churches in the south Bay, and travels often, working our schedules around together. We are anxiously waiting on our next instructions as to where God's ministry will take us next, excited that we get to participate in what He's doing in and around the Bay area!

Thank you again to all of our friends and family who continue to support us, pray for us and encourage us in all that we're doing here! We love you all so much, and miss you beyond words! We would love to hear updates from all of you as well!! Email us at (Apostle Daryle) or to me at

Blessings to you all!

The Smith Family

Sausalito Date Night!!

This was definitely the weekend for packing a lot of things in! I've been wanting to explore some of the beautiful places close to us that we've never seen before, so this was a really fun treat for me! David was so gracious to offer to watch the kids so Daryle and I could have a rare day out together, so after church we roadtripped down to Sausalito, a beautiful and charming little harbour town just north of the city with amazing views, and great food!

We ate at a restaurant called Horizons, which I highly recommend for anyone looking for a fun place to eat! It sits right on the water, and you can even dock your yacht or sailboat there while you have lunch, which is what we did. (kidding!) Yes, my camera-shy husband stayed on the other end of the photos, but he WAS along on our date! :) I love you, Sweetie! Thanks for such a special and memorable day together!

Girl Day in Healdsburg!!

Saturday, some girls from work (Cheryl the birthday girl, Mary Ellen, and Giuliana)and I headed up to Healdsburg to spend a relaxing day at the spa, having lunch, and SHOPPING! It was the most perfectly beautiful day (minus the parking tickets) and we had so much fun! We went to Giulia's house for Italian lemonade and got to meet her husband Chris, and her very well-behaved dog, Sally. Can't wait for our next adventure, girls!

Disneyland July '09

It's taken me awhile to get our Disney pictures up! I'm a wee bit behind on my bloggin'! I do have the whole album of pictures on facebook, but for those of you who don't have facebook, here are a few!

We had such a great time, and it was extra special because David got to be there as well! We can't wait for our next trip back, we have it all figured out how to it better next time! The first time is sorta over-whelming b/c you have no idea where anything is or where to go. And yes, everyone will be wearing socks and sneakers. Lesson learned.

Disneyland July '09

Disneyland July '09

Disneyland July '09