Tuesday, April 9, 2013

It's Feeling Like Summer Around Here!

I'll totally admit it - I have a bad case of spring fever!!  It was gorgeous out today, and I'm counting the days till classes are done and summer vacation is here (35 days to go...)  Look at that forecast - too bad I'm working the next 4 days!
 Daryle and I had lunch together today at a new place (new to us!) called Sweet T's in Fountaingrove - wow was it good!  Classy Bar-b-q I would call it!  We were so stuffed when we left, and we brought home leftovers too!  And I haven't had a glass of sweet iced tea in ages, but it brought back good memories of making sun tea at our house in Missouri when I was little.

 Finger-lickin' good!!!!  Those ribs were amazing...

 The famed smoker

Rea liked my hat, and thought my sweater looked like a flower, so she wanted to do a photo-shoot out on the porch.  (She stayed home today because she got sent home from school a little early yesterday with a temp! No fever today tho!!)  Nice pictures, Rea!  Thank you!!

Don, The Butcher

 We love our butcher.  He might be one of the very coolest people I know.  He knows his cows, inside and out - literally, and he can tell you all kinds of edible things to do with leftover pig parts.  He's Italian and has a curly-q mustache and a very sweet wife.  And he saves us lots of money.... :) A couple times a year, we get a hog and a cow butchered and fill up our two freezers in the garage, named Moo and Oink, respectively.  Smoked pig ears, anyone??!!  Go see Don at Willowside Meats on Guerneville Road!

Monday, April 8, 2013

More Sailing Adventures, Week 2!!

 The girls get ready for another sailing class!!

 Ya'shar and his hot chocolate - it was very windy, so a perfect day for sailing AND hot chocolate!

 David came along this time, and he and Daryle assisted with installing a floating dock

 Classes begin!!!

 First you have to pick out your boat, carry it to the dock, and then put it together, all before you even get in the water!  Love the team sports....

 David and Ya'shar

 We did a lot of standing around and waiting last week, so this week we were smarter and came prepared!! Gotta  love the camp chairs!

 Ya'shar, the perfect spectator!!!  (Until he gets to participate!)  Soon, Buddy!
 Rea, looking like a professional already!

 Ma-lak and Nicholas - sailing buddies!
 Sailor girls!

 Their boat is completely assembled and they're ready to hit the water!

 They carried 4 of these down the dock and into the water!  They are HEAVY!!!!

 Overcast but still beautiful

 Their instructor, Chris, pulled them out in an assembly line.  They are with them all the time to give instructions and tell them what to do next

 Time for the cookout!!!  Gotta love burgers and dogs on the grill!  Madison is the operations manager for TISC

 My husband, the master griller.....

 Once the big kids got in the water, Ya'shar and I decided to go exploring and see what exactly is on Treasure Island.  Apparently the island is on lease to the city of San Francisco from the U.S. Navy.  So there are some non-profit organizations based there, like TISC.  We found some little league games and a very feisty rugby match going on - but Ya'shar was more interested in hitting the play ground.

 Ya'shar, sitting on the boardwalk of Treasure Island with the Bay Bridge and city of San Francisco in the background.  Even when it's cloudy, it's beautiful!  You can tell from my flying hair how blustery it was out there!  Thankfully the rain held off....
Ready to pack up and head home - we all took NAPS that afternoon!!!  Until next week!