Saturday, November 30, 2013

It's the End of an Ortho Era....

I have some pretty amazing coworkers who threw me not one, but TWO potluck/going away shindigs at work last week!  They even gave this die-hard coffee drinker a beautiful engraved mug to remember them by!  I love you all, my awesome Ortho Gang, and will miss you a lot! Closing one chapter of my nursing career and entering into a new one in the ER.....  Here I go!

Peet's coffee.....  You're too good to me!

Julie, Candice and me!

Inez, Me, Julie, Miguel, Candice, and Babs!

The beautiful orchid that Cathy gave me - I found the perfect spot for it in the living room!

The Smiths Go Home-Schooling!

For several months, Daryle and I have discussed what it might look like/be like if we decided to keep the little people home and have them do the majority of their work here with us.  We weighed our options, debated our own intellectual capacity to do such a thing, did a LOT of research, and talked to our children.  They were all for it.  So we had a meeting with the former principal who took over the Rincon Valley Charter School Home-School Program, and asked LOTS of questions.  Since it was a hybrid program (half of their time is at school with their friends and half their time is at home with us) we decided we would give it a try.  So we did! For the past few weeks, we did something we never thought we could or would do, but we made the right decision.

 Art Project Fridays!!!  "Create something that is a an expression of your interests!"
 Ya'shar made a dinosaur

 Ma-lak made a planet

 Ni'ke made Marie Curie, the scientist

 And Rea decided to make the world, because "everything in the world interests her".  :)

 Recess time!!!!

Lunchtime in the "home school cafeteria"!! Stay tuned for more home-schoolin' adventures!

Fairwell, Theresa!

We celebrated our friend Theresa, a few weeks ago at Chevy's.  So sad to see her leaving after so long at Memorial, but we all love her and wish her the best! 
Joy, our sweet secretary who retired a few years ago!

 My girl, Blythe!

 Itamar and me

 Anne, still on maternity leave!

 Kory, also still on maternty leave (I'm a little jealous, girls!)

 Theresa and Margaret get their baby fix!

 Jen, thanks for organizing this!

 Blythe and me!

Gun-Totin' Mamas

 This is what you do for fun family outings when your husbands like to shoot guns!  You talk your friend into signing up for a Women on Target class to learn basic gun handling and safety skills!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Times, they are a-changin'.....

(This cartoon cracks me up, by the way, and I couldn't resist.  You have to appreciate its sarcasm that while screaming a lack of compassion and bold misconceptions, is actually rooted in a harsh reality....)

So after much thought, prayer, consideration, and downright anguish, I accepted an offer for an ER position last week and will be starting my new job the week of Thanksgiving!  Rather appropriate timing as I reflect on all that has taken place to get me there...    I've worked in orthopedics for over 11 years here at Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital, and given that my career is zooming off in the radically different direction of forensic nursing, I felt that I could learn more in the ER setting, so I applied for a transfer.  Was it a difficult decision?  Absolutely!  As much as I love the IDEA of change and transition and trying new adventures, it's a harsh reality to uproot yourself from a very comfortable spot right smack in the middle of your COMFORT zone, and start something new. 

I guess here would be a good time insert an annoying cliche, like: "Force yourself out of your comfort zone!  You can only grow when you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when trying something new."

Or maybe this one:  “We cannot expect to grow if we are too afraid or unwilling to change and face challenges. When we exit our everyday, mundane lifestyles to do something different we can experience growth, undiscovered strength, and new abilities within ourselves.” 

 Perhaps it was this one that spoke to me the most..... “Here's a scary thought: What if God called you to act beyond your comfort level? Would you be afraid? Would you try to explain it away or dismiss it as impractical? And in the process, would you miss out on a harvest opportunity for which God had explicitly prospered you in the first place?” 

So yes, when I prayed and asked God for a blessing and an opportunity, He gave me one, and I freaked out a little bit.  (sigh*  Lord, forgive me!!)  But I am rising to the challenge and moving forward, a whole new world awaits me, and is it possible that I feel - could it be?!...  an inkling of excitement??!!  Anticipation!??!  Really??!!  WOW.  I truly AM looking forward to this.  Lord, let me be humble, yet confident, easy to teach and willing to learn, easily correctable and difficult to rattle, fair and firm, yet compassionate and full of love.  And mostly Lord, let me see others through Your eyes.