Tuesday, August 19, 2008

More Kindergarten Pictures!

First Day of Kindergarten!!

My boy is all grown up... Almost! He LOVED his first day of school yesterday, and didn't stop talking the whole way home after we picked him up! Aaaahhh... youthful exuberance.

Mrs. Corwin is wonderful, and I was thrilled when some other mom's I know who have had kids in her class told me, "Oh you got the BEST teacher!" Whew. That was good to hear! Ma-lak loves the bird in her class, and they're awaiting a "hatching" of some new baby chicks. He's very excited to learn to read, and I love seeing him so engaged in everything new he's experiencing.

Thank you Lord for blessing us with opportunities for growth, a great education from passionate teachers, and children who are so willing and eager to learn!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

"Look, Ma! No Cast!!"

Ya'shar finally got his cast off this past Thursday! The xrays showed lots of new bone growth and he doesn't even need a follow up or a splint! Thank you, Lord for COMPLETE and SPEEDY healing!! (Only 3 weeks in the cast!) So it's business as usual, he's picked up right where he left off, except he seems to have forgotten that he WAS eating and drawing with his left hand... So we'll see if he ever switches back!

The Fabulous Four

These four rascally little folks were heading out on an outing with daddy this morning, so I had to snap a picture while they were all still "fresh and clean"... They've been on a "holding hands" kick lately, which always makes me smile!

Ma-lak is all set for his first day of Kindergarten on Monday, so stay tuned for pictures of that! Looks like no school bus this year (apparently we live too close to the school) so Mommy will get in some good morning and afternoon walks, unless she gets lazy and decides to hop in the car. :)

Our school year is off to a fun start, but I'm excited for one last weekend with everyone here before all the hoop-lah starts! Did you know kindergarteners have HOMEWORK??!!?!?!?!?!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The View Master!

Ya'shar finally figured out the view master! For the longest time, he kept CLOSING his eyes everytime we had him try to look through it, but now he's a pro!

The next step is getting him to push the little lever to change the pictures...