Monday, June 29, 2015

Sea Cadets Fire Training Drill at Napa Fire Training Facility, June 20, 2015

 Early morning muster at Petaluma Fairgrounds!

 Cadet N. Smith, looking all crazy like a morning person. Is she really related to the rest of us?!

Cadet M. Smith, en route to fight some fires (not really).
 Cadet R. Smith, looking good!

 This place is so beautiful - drove through wine country to get here!

 Napa Fire and Cal Fire were doing their bi-monthly drills at the same time and were kind enough to make time to train our cadets.  Below they are teaching them forcible entry into a home or business.  How fun is it to bash in door with axes and chain saws?!

 Time to gear up and go through the RIC maze!  It was pretty hot in those suits, and they had to make their way through a maze in the dark with very tight crawl spaces.  They decided to not blow in the smoke this time....

 Hot in there, Ni'ke?!

 Let's just say this was not Rea's favorite drill...

 Made it through!  Well done!

 After lunch they got to carry the fire hose up the stairs and spray down to their fellow cadets who needed a cooling off

Thank you, Napa Fire!!!  You guys rock!!!

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