Monday, June 29, 2015

Happy Retirement, Sharon!

 Since we were all on strike and had no work commitments, we were all free to join Sharon in celebrating her retirement!  I have known Sharon for nearly 13 years - in fact, she was working the night of my very first ever shift as a nurse at Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital waaaaaay back in 2002!  Here are my girls, Flora, Sharon and Candice with me.

 Sharon's family

 Cathy and me!

 Miss Sharon and me - how I will miss you!

 Boo and me!

 Aaaaahhhh, Geeta!  My neighbor who I never see anymore!

 The gang!  So many people have come and gone since I worked on Ortho - I didn't even recognize a lot of them!

 Amy!  One of the most beautiful and amazing people I have ever met!

 Geeta, Isabel, Cheryl, and Mary Ellen

 Miss Flo!


Tricia, Candice and Kory

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