Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Who DOESN'T love to dance in a field of flowers?!

A couple weekends ago, I took the kids out to this beautiful little piece of heaven on the northeast side of town where our dear friend, Emily Davis, was doing photo shoots in a field of daisies (or chamomile flowers, actually!) Sounds lovely, doesn't it?  Well it was!  We had so much fun, and I finally got the opportunity to get pictures of the girls in these cute little white dresses that I bought for them LAST summer before they completely outgrew them.  Emily has been a friend of ours for a couple years, first as the kids' principal, then as their home school teacher. Her huge heart and gentle spirit are as lovely as the photos she takes, and we are so happy to know her.  She takes amazing pictures, which I've been admiring for months now - so I was thrilled when we got the chance to shoot with her.  Check out her Facebook page linked below:

Pure Light Photography

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