Tuesday, March 3, 2015

North Baltimore Aquatic Center Winter Training Camp 2014

 Rea had an amazing opportunity to swim and train for four days at a swim camp sponsored by the aquatic center where Michael Phelps and Allison Schmitt train for the Olympics.  He had just flown in from spending Christmas in California with his now fiance and was kind enough to pause from his training and take a picture with them.   Thankfully I didn't cause this young man to fall and break a swimming arm... We nearly collided as he was racing, dripping wet and just out of the pool, to the bathroom and I was zipping around a blind corner near the swim shop.  All was well and no harm was done - Rio 2016 will not be a flop because of me. :)

Rea - front and center with her group!

 Rea (left)

 One of the group lecture times - they covered topics like diet and sleep, how to train before a big event, staying focused, etc...

 She lived in the green hat all week... Not sure what that was about!  (Pretty sure it was for a low-maintenance hair-style.)

 Rea (left) with new friends!

 Rea (left) in the pool doing group exercises

This was Rea's first experience away from home and overnight without parents or family - she loved her independence and was very responsible, from what I was told.  She loved it and came home fired up and she can't wait to go back in June.

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