Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Aunt Marilyn Rose

 This amazing lady passed away on February 9th after suffering a stroke less than 2 weeks before.  Ma-lak and I flew out to Missouri for her funeral which was on Saturday, the 14th.  Aunt Marilyn was my dad's older sister, and one of my very favorite aunts growing up as a child!  I have such special memories of her and the fun we had with her and Uncle Donnie. So many "firsts" for me involved her - she set me up with my first penpal, a girl named Stephanie who lived in Quincy, IL.  She introduced me to my first Chinese food - that she made herself in her own wok!  Her egg rolls were amazing...  And she took me to my first movie, Gremlins, in 1984!

 My dad, with Uncle Raymond, and Aunt Marilyn and Aunt Kathy in the front

 Aunt Marilyn, loving the outdoors like she did!

 Aunt Marilyn with her daughter, Kathi, and her close friend at her 50th wedding anniversary party

We stayed at Danny and Carlene's house - our amazing cousins who always welcome us with open arms and feed us so well and love on us so big when we are back for a visit.  It was fun to watch the kids play with each other like they've always known each other.  Ma-lak and Deion met for the first time that weekend and they hit it off immediately!  Left to right: Emma, Lexi, Ashlynn holding Braelyn, Ma-lak, Deion, and Levi.

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