Monday, December 2, 2013

You Say "Peronychia", I Say "Gesundheit!"

Please enjoy the following PSA:  Ya'shar is officially the poster-child for why you should NEVER bite your nails... You get nasty infections in the skin around the nail, like this! (Apparently such an infection is called a peronychia!  Who knew??)  He finally decided to show this to me yesterday, on a Sunday evening, around 4:30 pm. I had no idea he had an "owie"....  (sigh)   I'm frantically adding in my head the closing times of all the urgent cares and the nearest pharmacies, subtracting how long it will actually take to be seen, mentally ruling out an ER visit (because now that I work there I know that Sundays and Monday are the CRAZIEST times to go!) even though I know he needs antibiotics, but it's not an "emergency", but the doctor on call for our family doctor is not calling me back, and AAAAAGGGHHHH! So off to Urgent Care we went.  Thankfully, we were in and out pretty quick, but the waiting for the prescription is what took so long!  We are doing warm water soaks twice a day and he will be on some hefty antibiotics for a week. We see our beloved Dr. Cederberg tomorrow who will most likely have to drain it again.....  Yikes!!

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