Wednesday, December 4, 2013

KZST Recording Session!

 The local Sonoma County radio station does this really cool thing for the community every year where local businesses or organizations underwrite part of their programming so they can play commercial-free Christmas music on Christmas eve and Christmas day.  This year I was chosen (still not sure how!!) along with a few other nurses at the hospital to record a small "blurb" sharing a favorite Christmas memory!  Julie and I recorded at the same time, and it was such a fun, and humbling thing to get to do!  Thanks, KZST!!

 Jay helps Julie with her "mic check".

Since I was apparently very "breezy" and my segment was too long, Jay edited down my recording.  It was like magic!!  He played it back, and you couldn't even tell there were entire sentences left out!!

Jazzy the Wolf, mascot for the new oldies station!

 We took a little tour of the station and made ourselves at home!

So here's the "unedited" version of what I had planned to say!  (They cut it from 2 minutes down to 36 seconds!!  LOL  I guess I had a lot to say! Shocker....)  Hopefully they got the gist of the important parts!

"Hi, this is Sheila Smith, sending you warm holiday blessings from the Emergency Department at Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital in Santa Rosa!

My most memorable Christmas ever was in 1986.  My parents were farmers, raising five kids in the Missouri hills, and earlier that year the crops didn’t bring in a very good harvest.  My mom and dad had always taught is that “a bunch of stuff around the tree” was not the real reason for the season, but they felt bad that they wouldn’t be able to give us gifts like they wanted to.  We still had a tree that year, but it was the saddest little Charlie Brown tree you could imagine – it was so droopy it could barely hold an ornament!  Well, someone in our community knew we were having a hard time, and they submitted our names to the “Adopt-A-Family” organization.  You wouldn’t believe how big our eyes got, when perfect strangers showed up on our door step on Christmas Eve - arms full of groceries, and stacks of presents taller than our dried up little tree! 

So on behalf of every family whose life has been touched in ways you’ll never know, thank you to Adopt-A-Family and other amazing organizations just like it and to everyone who participates.  Your generosity has continued to inspire others - 27 years later I’m a mom with five kids of my own, and they get so much joy from passing on the blessing of “giving” to other people, just like someone did for my family so many years ago.  Merry Christmas, and thank you for giving!"

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