Sunday, August 25, 2013

Last Day......

 The girls are all decked out for church!!!  OK, so the bow is bigger than the baby, but isn't that part of the charm??

 Everybody tried to get in some last minute cuddle time with Miss Emma....

 Have I mentioned how great my brother-in-law is??  He built us the perfect campfire so we could have a little cook out to end our week on.  (Sigh)  I love Sunday nights anyway - they just have a special feel to them, like if a day of the week could feel cozy, that's what a Sunday would feel like.  So when I'm back for a visit, I never leave to fly home on a Sunday, always a Monday.  I don't want to miss that special day of family time.

 So the kids played in the sand pit/fire pit that used to be where the old pool was
 And we roasted hot dogs and marshmallows
 And ate a lot of s'mores!  I wanna go visit everyone s'more.....     Till next time!

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