Sunday, August 25, 2013

And... We're Off!

 After months of anticipation, the girls and I finally commenced our voyage to the great mid-West for a nice, long, 10-day visit with my family before school started.  Well, it wasn't exactly 10 days...

 While we waited, and waited, and waited some more at the airport, we started to wonder if we were going to make our connecting flight in Chicago to get to Toledo.  And we didn't.
 So we ended up being stranded at a hotel somewhere in Chicago, I'm still not exactly where we were, but since we couldn't get ahold of my sister-in-law, Michelle, for a quick impromptu visit, we had a slumber party instead!  The next morning we were off to the airport again, and after THAT plane was an hour and a half late, we finally made it to Ohio!  Whew!
 We were SO excited to meet Emma Rosa - finally!  My little niece was born June 1st, and Skyping just doesn't do her justice!  :)
 Miss Lexi Faith
 Girl cousins!
 We spent a lot of time on the porch, swinging and jabbering and enjoying the wide open spaces
 Dad left the house in this fantastic outfit to go play in a "gig" somewhere.  Oh dear.

My Grammy!  This young lady is still working full time at the age of 85.  She is one of my heroes.....  Her daughter is another!  :)

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