Thursday, August 18, 2011

"Steal, Kill, and Destroy"

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10: 10

Have you ever noticed that when you're facing a trial (in other words, you're engaged in spiritual warfare) that the more you focus in on over-coming, the more you pray for healing, break through, or deliverance, and the more you seek to be saturated with the very presence of God, that's when it all just seems to get worse...

I've noticed a recurrent theme recently in the body of Christ, not myself excluded, who are in the midst of over-coming something significant, and it feels like they "just can't catch a break"... But we know that in fact just the opposite is happening!! And we know this because:

The enemy only wants to steal that which is valuable, he only wants to kill that which has life, and he only wants to destroy that which has the potential to dismantle his kingdom of darkness. So we pray, and he plants thoughts of discouragement. We press in, and he presses back. We pray harder, and now he's worried. We get on our knees and now he's really mad. We fast, and that's it, now it's all out war!

Keep going!!!! It means you have arrived at a place where God now has the opportunity to show Himself strong in your life! And THAT will be a blessing to others!! The trials we face sometimes are not only for our own growth and benefit, but for other's as well. They see us going through a trial and therefore a reason to despair, but we must show them victory in our perseverance!

Lord, show us patience and hope, steadfastness and perseverance, and JOY in the over-coming!! May we never grow weary of calling on your name, certain that you hear our cry!

1 comment:

Bekah said...

Needed this post this morning. Pressing in and pressing on...