Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunsets, Sushi, and Somewhat Spoiled Sons

Here's a "hodge podge" of pictures that I've randomly taken from the last week or so!

We had a warm spell and the weather changed off and on several days ago, and I don't know if that's why, but we had the most gorgeous sunsets!! Our house faces north, so if you're not outside at the right time, you might miss a sunset, but I finally was able to snap a few pictures!

And speaking of things with perfect colors, I found the most beautiful tree.... I have some great memories from when I was a teenager of taking long walks in the woods and using up 2-3 rolls of film at a time taking pictures of trees with gorgeous colorful leaves! So when I saw this one I begged Daryle to pull over and take a picture of me with it. :) He's such a good husband, he humored me, which really says a lot because this tree was in none other than the Walmart parking lot...

So with all this warm weather it's been so fun to get out and about on my days off. And with the house almost empty of children Ya'shar is relishing the quality one-on-one time with mom and dad while the other kids are in school. Friday he said, "Hey Daddy, I have a great idea. Let's go eat some sushi but we gotta hurry because those other guys will be home soon and we don't want them to go." Well he's honest! So we headed to our favorite sushi spot and watched that little guy put away an entire beef bento box all by himself. Love that dude!

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