Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Smiths Go Home-Schooling!

For several months, Daryle and I have discussed what it might look like/be like if we decided to keep the little people home and have them do the majority of their work here with us.  We weighed our options, debated our own intellectual capacity to do such a thing, did a LOT of research, and talked to our children.  They were all for it.  So we had a meeting with the former principal who took over the Rincon Valley Charter School Home-School Program, and asked LOTS of questions.  Since it was a hybrid program (half of their time is at school with their friends and half their time is at home with us) we decided we would give it a try.  So we did! For the past few weeks, we did something we never thought we could or would do, but we made the right decision.

 Art Project Fridays!!!  "Create something that is a an expression of your interests!"
 Ya'shar made a dinosaur

 Ma-lak made a planet

 Ni'ke made Marie Curie, the scientist

 And Rea decided to make the world, because "everything in the world interests her".  :)

 Recess time!!!!

Lunchtime in the "home school cafeteria"!! Stay tuned for more home-schoolin' adventures!

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