Last evening I took the little people to see a concert at Redwood Covenant Church. All I can say is "WOW!!"
These 23 amazing children are from Rwanda, and many of them are orphan's or lost loved ones in the genocide. I've never seen such joy emanate from a person or group of people!! It's just such an amazing testimony of how God turns our mourning into dancing and we can overcome the worst of atrocities. "Asante" is Swahili for "thank you" - it seems backward for them to be thanking US, because we received such a blessing from them!
The kids were really excited - Rea was pretty much riveted and on the edge of her seat. Ma-lak liked the drums but got a little bored toward the end. Ni'ke talked and asked questions the ENTIRE time - "How old are those girls? Where do they live? Aren't they tired from all that dancing?" And Ya'shar was baffled by the whole experience. He couldn't figure out how they all knew what to do at the same time! "How did they know they were all supposed to dance like that?!" He couldn't comprehend the concept of group practice and memorization!! Love that little dude....
And to top off a wonderful evening, I was called off work last night and got to stay home and sleep in my warm and cozy bed with my warm and cozy husband!
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