The big scrape on her forehead from falling off the back of the couch was the least of our problems last week. That would be when my little petunia got a detention.
The detention, interestingly enough, did not come from her inexplicably shoving her good friend Alejandra, but from running and HIDING from the teacher to avoid getting in trouble afterwards. That back-fired. And if it hadn't been for her narc-happy brothers and sisters, I wouldn't even have known about it b/c she threw away the evidence (detention note to parents) and didn't informed her home room teacher that she even GOT a detention, and then she didn't even serve detention the next day. Well she served it on Monday.
Oh dear.
We had a good chat about how honesty, no matter brutal, is ALWAYS going to go better than deceit. I told her about the time I pinched a little girl standing in line next to me when I was in kindergarten, just because she accidentally bumped into me while we were walking, and I was sent to the principals office and threatened with the big paddle if I did such a thing again. A lot's changed since 1979, huh?! I would've definitely chosen detention. I told her I hardly ever got in trouble at school after that and hoped she would do the same thing.
Her response?
"So what did the paddle look like, Mommy?"
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