"Mommy! Mommy! Can we have a pet?!?!?!"
This was Rea the other day as she raced into the house after coming home from school.... Apparently after weeks and months of anticipation, the baby chicks finally hatched in her classroom!
After I explained to her that baby chicks, while cute and small and cuddly NOW, grow up later to be ugly, big and mean, not to mention smelly, poopy, and territorial. And they don't go with the furniture. As I reflect on my answer to her, I realize that I may have come across as sounding a little jaded. I blame this on the fact that I grew up on a chicken farm, and my daily chores consisted of cleaning out the chicken roost and gathering the eggs...
She insisted that she would keep the chick in her room or in her closet, and when that didn't work she came up with genius suggestion of, "I know!! How about on top of the refrigerator!!??"
Well anyway, since none of the little furr balls will be joining our family, the next best thing was getting to visit them at the open house yesterday. Everybody held one but Ya'shar, and that just wasn't going to happen. This might just be as close to farming as my little urbanites are going to get.... We are going to be CAMPING this summer when we head back to Ohio for a visit, so I may be able to "hillbilly" them up a little bit then, we'll see...
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