Friday, April 2, 2010

Training Run!!

Well, I finally got completely tired of hearing myself say, "I need to start running again..." and then doing absolutely NOTHING to make it happen. So after months of latent activity, I gave the 'ole legs a trial run, and 3 days later I'm hobbling around like an 80 year old woman! Ironically enough, most of the 80 year old women I know could actually sprint circles around me, so maybe that wasn't the best analogy...

The excuses, oh they are so many!! I'm tired. I work nights. I don't have time. I'm just so busy. I haven't eaten yet. I just ate. The socks I like are in the laundry. I'm tired. I need to go to Walmart. What if a telemarketer calls and I'm not here to tell him to stop calling? I'm tired. You get the idea...

But guess what? I feel really good! I mean I HURT and ache in horribly awful places, but I feel so good!! I slept pretty great this week which is such a precious thing these days. So the excuses? Not really holding up much anymore.

I'm signed up for my first 5K run of the year on April 18, the Petaluma Foot Race! Way super excited, and it's just good to have a specific goal to work toward. Plus I get a cool t-shirt! :O) This is my first one actually in TEN years, the last being the Pettisville Tromp Through the Swamp in 2000, for all my Ohio friends! Good times!

So I'll keep a runnin' and take it a day at a time, getting stronger everyday. Working towards my bigger goal of a marathon! For now I'm just happy to have made the effort to "get back where I was" even though that place is still a tiny speck on the distant horizon!

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