Gee, where do I start with these two!? So funny, so girly, so occasionally argumentative, so plagued with over-active imaginations...
As a woman who thoroughly enjoys a good pampering myself, I really do love to paint their nails and take them shopping and do their hair. Not the most important life lessons that I'm teaching them, for sure, but fun all the same!
The real problem started last week when Grandma was here visiting. She innocently put her cosmetic bag on the counter in the guest bathroom, because, well, what harm could that do? And during a mandatory naptime after somebody told ANOTHER lie, that same little somebody decided to dig through the above-mentioned "goodie bag"... Chaos ensued. Not only did Ni'ke drink an entire bottle of travel-sized mouthwash (confirmed information from a reliable source, Rea the Mole) but she also emptied an entire bottle of foundation onto the waiting faces of Rea, herself, and a happy-to-oblige Ya'shar. Needless to say, they were all in big trouble. After some very serious discussions about staying out of other people's stuff, I thought we'd reached a pretty clear understanding. Right.
Fast forward to yesterday evening when they were allegedly upstairs, playing in their rooms. They came down for a snack, and I smelled something strange.... Yep, nail polish. A lovely glittery shade of pink. Totally matched the pink blob that I later found on my bathroom carpet.... (sigh) So here we go again!
I had to get a picture of Rea's dress up outfit. The Minnie Mouse ears are always a must, and her "queen robe" held up by her jump rope is always quite the rage as well. Pretty entertaining! Oh, and please note the pink and gray outfit that she's wearing outside. It's her most favorite outfit ever and she would wear it everyday to school if I let her! She's convinced that she can't wear these pieces separately from each other or with anything else. So we just don't try.
Charming little Ni'ke, MUST have her hair pigtails when at all possible! It's finally getting some length to it! So much fun to do....
So, that's the girls, on to the boys!
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