There are a number of things I'm learning from my children this summer, but the one lesson I keep learning from them over and over (at least at the pool) is this: Sometimes the thing you fear the most is often the source of your greatest pleasure!
Last summer we started swimming lessons with Ma-lak and Rea at the local pool, just to get them comfortable with the water. I think they got their hair wet once. (sigh)
But truly, I understand! Water is really a scarey sort of thing, especially pools. There's an overwhelming amount of it, it's deep, it covers everything you can't see and maybe would like to, it's a little cold at times, and if your head's underneath it, it could mean trouble! (If God has ever asked you to leap into something resembling this - like I ask my children to do at the pool, then this might sound familiar!)
So imagine my great joy THIS summer at seeing my children tirelessly throwing themselves off the side of the pool, ducking under for lengths of time I'm still not quite comfortable with (3 hours, according to Rea) and yes, tackling that great beast from last summer, The Water Slide!
It's while watching these adventurous sides of my children develop and flourish that I find myself asking, "When's the last time I threw myself into something with such utter joy, trust, and abandon?" I usually can't remember...
If I really gave all of me to something, to ANYTHING, with that much passion, I know it would change everything else I touch. But having passion for that One thing only illuminates the possibilities in every other opportunity to "live life to the fullest." My prayers would be more effectual and fervent, my relationships would be more meaningful and productive, my time would always be invested with great return instead of just being well-"spent", and every fear known before would have to flee in the face of merely having sought Him out!
Steven Curtis Chapman has this great song called "Dive":
"I'm divin' in, I'm goin' deep,
In over my head I wanna be!
Caught in the rush, lost in the flow,
In over my head I wanna go!
The river's deep, the river's wide,
The river's water is alive!
So, sink or swim,
I'm divin' in!!"
Thanks, Lord, for the lessons learned! And for being that cool, refreshing pool that I can't wait to dive into!!
"Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, (like learn a new skill, play with your children, teach a Bible Study, stand in the gap for your pastor...) do all to the glory of God."
I Corinthians 10: 31 (KJV)
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