Saturday, October 4, 2014

Neptunes Fall Classic Swim Meet September 27-28, 2014

 Well you couldn't have asked for a more gorgeous day after booming thunderstorms the night before!  (In fact, I got a little sun burnt...) Ouch!
 Rea (third from the left) diving into the action!
 Ya'shar and Ni'ke having a snack in between events

 Yeah, Ma-lak just LOVES getting his picture taken.  (He is his father's son).  I wonder if he caught a whiff of the trash can we were camped by in the above picture....

 Loved being there all weekend with my swimmers!  It's been awhile since we've been at one all together.  Sometimes Daryle will go and just take a couple of them overnight, or we have one local but I'm working and can't go.  This weekend worked great since I had a nice long 3-day weekend! 

 Ma-lak in the practice lanes

 Rea, right before her "big event".  She was hoping to get a Far Western time in the 100 Freestyle, but missed it by HALF a second!

 Ni'ke, Dohna, Rea and Sofia

 Ma-lak, ready for take off!

 Ni'ke and Dohna
 Ni'ke and Ma-lak  (Is that a little smile, Ma-lak?!)

 Rea Sunshine

 Ni'ke and Ya'shar, talking it up with their coaches
The Tuesday after the swim meet was Picture Day for the team.  Here they all are posing, prepared to dominate in their new team t-shirts! (Rea does not have her "dominate" face on.)

It Was a Dark and Stormy Night.....

Well it started out that way at least, and then the sun came out in all its glory, bringing this fantastic rainbow!  I've never seen one like this with such a full arc, and I thought it was only a double, but apparently some day it was a triple from where they could see!  This beautiful rainbow came the night before the kids' swim meet, and the meet was perfect with sunny weather all weekend, so that was a relief.