Saturday, March 16, 2013

Catching Up!

 I'm behind on my bloggin'!!!  It's been awhile, and I don't have a ton of pictures, but here are a few random ones that capture some of the fun and joy in the lives of the Smith Family lately!  I wore this fun yellow skirt to a staff meeting last week, it's been in the 70's here and it felt like time to bust out something "spring-y"!  Rea said, "Oh wow, are you having 90's dress-up day at work today?!"   Hmmm....  Daryle thought I looked like a hippy, whatever that looks like... Maybe because of the braid?! 

Sisters!!  This picture was back a few weeks ago when were still freezing!  Time to break out the spring clothes!  Ahhh, spring, how I've missed you!

The girls have been working on a little craft project for a certain special someone's upcoming birthday (Grandma!)  Was fun digging through boxes of old pictures and reminiscing a little!

 Love these people.... Our dear friends, Angie and Charlie and their little miracle baby, Ashlynn Mariah!  Welcome to the world, Baby Girl!!!
 And miracle Baby #2!!!  (was born first!!)  Miss Amelia Ross with her mommy, Giuliana.  Can't wait to see you back at work Giules, but it's looking like you might have a hard time leaving that scrumptious baby behind!  Bring her along!!

One day last week, I asked Ya'shar why his socks were so dirty, and he brought me his sneakers to show me why.  Yes, this would explain it.  His third pair this school year alone!....  Why can't they make boy's clothes and shoes out of some indestructable material, like Kryptonite-laced cow hide.... (sigh)   

The Little Smiths are officially on Spring Break!!  Woo Hoo!!  We stayed up late last night and slept waaaay in this morning!  I made chocolate chip muffins for brunch, and we are off to a great start for the next week.  I'll be working on a paper for school, but my "study breaks" will consist of excursions to Baskin Robbins, (as requested) the mall for clothes and shoes that have NOT yet been grown out of, the dentist, the dermatologist, the orthodontist, the tax guy, the hospital for work and staff meetings, and is it really a break?!?!    We are grateful for all things!!!!  Happy birthday to all the March birthday ladies that I love!!!  Mom, Grandma, Mandy, McKayla, and Aunt Lori!  Wish I coulda celebrated with you - maybe next year!!!

Hooray for Spring!!!!