Sunday, December 28, 2008


My husband has a bad case of "scuba fever", hopefully he'll be feeling better soon! So this post is in honor of your chronic "illness", the only kind I'm ok with you having!! Love you, Baby!

Girls and Their Dolls

If you can't find the girls, this is where they probably are. I overheard them playing this morning, pretending to be the mommy and daddy of the house. They were "arguing" over who got to clean the toilet... Funny how playtime doesn't ever really convert to reality. Happy doll-housing, girls!

Boys and Their Toys...

Ma-lak and Ya'shar have discovered the world of Hot Wheels! There are at least five different "obstacle courses" of race tracks all over the house, and truly, they love zooming their cars from here to there and back again! Thank you, Big Brother David for helping to assemble this maze!!

Missing the Snow!

About this time each and every year,
I dream about something that gives me great cheer!

I hate to admit it, but truth be told...
I'm secretly wishing for alot more COLD!

Yes, it's true, you heard me right!
I'm thinking that SNOW would be a lovely sight!

White and fluffy and perfect for sledding,
For snowballs and snowmen - to the mountains I'm heading!

For a run down a "diamond" all the way to the bottom.
I'd take ALL your snow-covered hills if you got 'em!!

You see I'm not really from around these parts.
Though I'm loving the sunshine, it's not "warming" my heart!

So here's my wish, my heart's big desire -
I'd love a good reason to sit by the fire!

Warming my toes after playing all day,
Making angels in the snow that I hope WON'T melt away.

The reason I'm hoping for this, and I mean it,
It's because my four children have NEVER seen it!

They've read all about it and seen movies and such,
But have never been close enough to it to touch!

So one of these days, we'll pack up and head
To a place that's perfect for using our sleds!

To grandma and gramdpa's we'll have to go,
Because Ohio ALWAYS has lots of snow!

Can't wait to see you, we'll be there next year!
Warm up the fire and have the hot chocolate near!

I'm counting the days till a Christmas that's white,
Because we'll be WITH you, and hugging you tight!

We love you Mom and Dad!! Can't wait to see you!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Ma-lak's First Christmas Concert!

Thursday night was Ma-lak's winter concert at Meadowview. A packed house with standing room only, it was pouring outside, and I was so grateful that we only had to go a couple blocks away!

Thankfully, Ma-lak's class went first! They sang two songs, and it was hilarious! You'll notice Ma-lak really easily on the far right in the back. I can't believe that as much as he was flailing around on stage he didn't knock someone off the bleachers...

Rea was especially enthralled with the whole evening and was soooo excited to see her brother on-stage. (Please refer to the video above!! Yes, that's her screaming in the background and causing lots of laughter...) I believe she got a small case of idol-worship that lasted at least the rest of the evening until he scooped the marshmallows out of her hot chocolate later on back at the house. :)

So much fun, can't wait till next year!

Ma-lak's Groupies

These were definitely his biggest fans! And how cool that we got front row seats!

A Few Pictures Before the Show

Mommy and Her Little Angels

"Go, Reindeer, Go!!"

Ma-lak shows off his Reindeer "get-up" at home after the concert. His many admiring fans wanted to be in a picture with the star, himself. (Especially little brother!)

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Smiths Do Soccer!

Indoor soccer. It's genious! All the fun minus the bad weather, and all three ages can go at the same time! (Sorry, Ma-lak! You've got school! Summer's coming...) We love it!

Rea Has Found her Passion!

OK, Girl can play soccer. I mean WOW! I know I'm a little biased because I'm mom, but she really looked like she knew what she was doing! I think we might have the next Mia Hamm on our hands! She's even asking me for "long" socks and new shoes. You go, Little Kicker!

Mr. Soccer

Ya'shar did great his first day! He absolutely loved "running free" and kicking things without getting into trouble. I think the bubbles were his favorite part, though!

"I Love Soccer" on 3!

"Stairstep" Children!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Fun Holiday Weekend!

Hello Friends and Family! I pray this finds you all well and blessed after a great weekend of Thanksgiving! We do have so much to be grateful for!

Even though I worked the majority of the time, we still had alot of fun family time together. The kids are really getting into baking and cooking with me, which I love! I braved a few new recipes which got 12 thumbs up!! (But my pumpkin rolls will never be as good as yours, Mom!!)

We (the girls and I) had a little time on Sunday afternoon to head to the outlet malls and do a little shopping while the "boys" watched lots of football! I think they're practicing up for when David comes home in a week!

We're all looking forward to lots of time together again in a couple weeks for the next big break from school!

Our love and prayers to you all! We are missing you and praying for!

Daryle, Sheila, Ma-lak, Rea, Ni'ke, and Ya'shar

Crazy Shopping With the Girls!